Our Services

Providing early intervention, habilitative and rehabilitative services to children and their families in Palm Beach and Martin counties for over 20 years.

Children's Therapies, Inc. provides pediatric physical, occupational and speech therapies. Services are provided in our outpatient clinic located in Jupiter, FL. Our therapist will also travel to the child's natural environment (home, school, the mall, the park) in Northern Palm Beach and Martin Counties when appropriate. 

Services are provided for children birth to 18 years of age who demonstrate delayed gross motor, fine motor, or speech development. In addition, we provide direct intervention for children who have sustained an orthopedic or neurological injury which affect their development or everyday functioning.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive therapy program for your child through a team approach, where the family is an integral part of decision-making and implementing the program. Our goal is to assist each child in reaching their optimal potential.

Our clinicians are some of the most experienced in our community. In addition, several of our clinicians have received board certification as a clinical specialist in pediatrics for their specific disciplines.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapists evaluate the development of movement, balance and coordination in the large muscle groups. We utilize age-appropriate play to develop strength, active movement and age-appropriate gross motor skills.  

Physical therapists perform a detailed evaluation to determine the need for services, establish a baseline of function and aid in planning appropriate treatment goals. In addition to traditional treatment techniques, we provide:
*Neurodevelopmental treatment
*Sensory Integration
*Body weight supported ambulation
*Threshold Electrical Stimulation
*Infant massage
*Craniosacral therapy
*Myofascial release
*Wheelchair evaluation, prescription and fitting
*Orthotic evaluation and fitting
*Pediatric Pilates & Yoga

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists assess how a child uses the small muscle groups  of their arms and hands to manipulate objects. They also assess children's play skills and how they perceive the world through the use of their senses.

Occupational therapists perform a detailed evaluation to determine the need for service, establish a baseline level of function, and aid in planning appropriate treatment goals. In addition to traditional treatment techniques, we provide:
*Sensory integration evaluation and treatment
*Neurodevelopmental treatment
*Therapeutic Listening program
*Visual perceptual skills evaluation and treatment
*Handwriting evaluation and programming, "Handwriting without Tears"
*Feeding evaluation and therapy related to sensory integration issues
*Activities of daily living
*Interactive Metronome training

Speech Therapy

Speech therapists evaluate the way in which a child uses the muscles of their mouth for feeding and speaking, assessing their ability to communicate verbally and determine if modifications or alternatives are needed.  Speech therapists work on speech intelligibility and language development. They are also involved in the functional aspects of communication. 

Speech therapists perform a detailed evaluation to determine the need for services, establish a baseline level of function, and aid in planning appropriate treatment goals. In addition to traditional treatment techniques, we provide:
*Articulation therapy
*Language development
*Social communication
*Evaluation and prescription of augmentative communication devices
*Voice evaluation and treatment 

Intensive Therapy Programs

We offer individualized intensive therapy programs designed to refine existing skills or provide the extra boost your child may need to move ahead. Our intensive therapy programs provide concentrated practice and repetition (known to improve overall learning and performance) in a fun filled, activity based format. Programs can emphasize one or more specific areas of development (gross, fine motor, receptive and expressive language). Some of the interventions used in these programs include:
*Neurodevelopmental treatment
*Sensory integration treatment
*Body weight supported gait training
*Oral motor therapy
*Therapeutic listening program

Following an initial evaluation you and your child's therapist(s) will develop a program and goals based on your child's needs. Programs generally run for one to four consecutive weeks, one to four hours per day, four or five days per week. At the end of the intensive therapy program, parents review their child's progress and are taught a home exercise program designed specifically for their child. Home programs reinforce the new skills learned for your child's future development. 

Cost for participation in the intensive therapy program is based on the number of hours your child is enrolled ($150/hour).

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy

Constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) is a therapeutic intervention used to promote the use of an involved extremity in children and adults diagnosed with hemiplegia. Dr. Edward Taub and his colleagues at the University of Alabama developed this intervention program that involves constraining the uninvolved extremity with a temporary case, splint, mitt or sling and increasing the use of the involved extremity through "massed" practice.

CIMT programs have been shown to affect positive changes to the central nervous system (cortical reorganization) and to add function of the affected extremity in adults and children who have participated.

Following an initial evaluation you and your child's therapist(s) will develop a program and goals based on your child's needs.

The three major components of CIMT therapy include:
-The stronger arm is restricted for 2-3 week periods in a lightweight fiberglass cast, mitten, hand splint or a sling.
-The weaker arm is trained using shaping techniques in a play situation that are appropriate to the child's stage of development.
-The therapy is administered for 2-4 hours per weekday for 2-3 weeks, totaling 10-15 days of treatment.

Objectives of the CIMT therapy program are:
1. Improve upper extremity function of the affected arm.
2. Improve occupational performance in areas (including but not limited to) daily living skills, education, play, leisure, and social participation.
3. Have fun while doing objectives 1 and 2.
4. Post casting program to use at home. 

Starting off

fitting temporary cast


with involved extremity


holding on with involved extremity

All Done

Charlie with Ms. Susan & Ms. Sharon

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